Pest Control

Consistently our Top Priority
November 26, 2024
$50 off your entire order
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Flora Money

We regularly treat our plants with premium pesticide products to ensure their health and vitality.

Not all soil-dwelling insects and fungi are harmful to plants; in fact, they can indicate a thriving soil ecosystem.

We use effective pesticide and fungicide products to treat various pests, including spider mites, thrips, mealybugs, fungus gnats, fungus, and more. We avoid using home remedies such as cinnamon, dish soap, and peroxide, as they can be ineffective and potentially harmful to plants.

What we use

Our primary choice for pest control is Bonide Captain Jack’s Insecticidal Super Soap, which we use in conjunction with our attention to moisture levels to create an environment unfavorable to pests and fungi.

Receiving Plants

When we receive plants from our growers, we take the necessary precautions to isolate and inspect them for pests and root rot. We then repot them with fresh soil, eliminating the risk of pest spread to our stock. The newly repotted plants are isolated to allow them to acclimate to their new environment and recover from any potential root shock.

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